Thank you to our loyal supporters

The Klein Competition has benefited from the generosity of individuals, businesses and foundations who believe in the power of music and the strength of young musicians. These donors to the California Music Center help provide the opportunity of a lifetime for young musicians, for which we are enormously grateful.

California Music Center gratefully acknowledges the generosity of all of our donors. These gifts and pledges were received from May 5, 2022 through May 5, 2023. We apologize for any errors or omissions – please contact us for corrections.

Foundation and Government Support
Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
San Francisco Grants for the Arts
State of California Performing Arts Grant Program

Matching and Corporate Gifts Foundation
AmazonSmile Foundation
IBM Foundation
Intel Foundation
Intel Volunteer Grant Program

2023 Klein Prize Supporters
First Prize
Sam Mazza Foundation

Second Prize
Ruth A. Short
in memory of Elaine Klein

Third Prize
Judith & David Anderson
in memory of Milton Preve

Two Fourth Prizes
Maria Klein
in memory of Jerry Lee Klein
Peter Gelfand & Sharon Childress

Semifinalist Prizes Donor Circle
Billie Abrams
Katherine and Roy Bukstein
Jane & Michael Hartman
Nathan Homka
Stephanie Leung
Marcia Leonhardt
Sylvia Lindsey
Kathie & Dexter Lowry
Sandra Messer
Pauline Roothman

In support of the Pablo Casals Prize for Best Performance of Bach
Nancee Rubenstein

in support of the Weiss Prize for Best Performance of the Commissioned Work
Davidson Bidwell-Waite and Edwin Waite
Randall Weiss
in memory of Susan & Allen Weiss

Klein Competition Donor Circle
Judith & David Anderson
Barbara Bessey
Enger Bewza
Jessica Bird Beza
Alfred & Elizabeth Dossa
in honor of Patricia Kristof Moy
Krisanthy Desby
Patricia Dusenbury
Peter Gelfand & Sharon Childress
Lori Laqua
in honor of Patricia Kristof Moy
Mary Lou Lathrop
Marcia L. Leonhardt
Stephanie Leung
Dexter & Kathie Lowry
Lenore Naxon
in honor of Patricia Kristof Moy
Rajiv Samagond
Noelle & Evan Shahin
in honor of Judy & David Anderson
Terri Stuart

Individual Support
Judith & David Anderson
Estate of Thomas Barry
Susan Bates
Reid & Laura Becker
in memory of Elaine Klein
Lydia Bernhardt
Barbara Bessey
Katherine & Roy Bukstein
Katherine Cass
John Chen
Doris Davis
Karen Dreyfus
Steve Epstein
Roland & Lois Feller,
Roland Feller Violin Makers
Richard Festinger
Alice Galenson & Lou Thompson
Peter Gelfand & Sharon Childress
Joseph & Bette Hirsch
in honor of Judy & Dave Anderson
Dick & Clarice Horelick
Gerald Hsu
Peter & Mela Hwang
Kevin Jim
Susan Kaplan
Larry Karp
in honor of Marcy Straw
Jon Kepecs
Allegra Klein
Maria Klein
Mr. Ognjen & Dr. Jenny Klein-Sosa
in memory of Jerry Lee Klein
Emily Langlie
Jaime Laredo & Sharon Robinson
Stephanie Leung
Myra Levenson
Don Lieberman & Pat Long
Dexter & Kathie Lowry
Rebecca McCray
Sharon Nickodem
Lambert & Janice Orkis
Elizabeth E. Pataki
Rebecca Peters
Margrit Rinderknecht & Dick Siemon
Stephen & Linda Rosen
Lisa Salomon
Martyn & Lorraine Selman
Ruth A. Short
Fredric Spitz
Marcy Straw & Mark Westlund
in memory of George Cleve
Patricia Whaley & Mitchell Sardou Klein
Amy Wong
Lee-Lan Yip
Alex, Jian Zhou & Hongjuan Hu
Marilyn Zupnick
in memory of Elaine Klein

In Kind Gifts
Judith & David Anderson, Bay Area Discovery Museum, Berkeley Repertory Theater, Axel Bethke, Katherine Cass, Nikki Chooi, Nancy Fudem, Janet Horvath, Kevin Jim, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Tessa Lark, Dexter & Kathie Lowry, Mendocino Music Festival, Music at Kohl Mansion, Omaha Steaks, Peninsula Symphony,, San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco Zoo, San Jose Chamber Orchestra, Ruth Short, Smuin Ballet, Marcy Straw & Mark Westlund, TopGolf, Walt Disney Family Museum.

Special Thanks to those hosting Laureates and Semifinalists in 2022-23
Dan & Meredith Beam, Graduate Hotels, Peter Gelfand & Sharon Childress, Dexter & Kathie Lowry, and Ruth Short.

Support Us


If you would like to make a credit card donation over the phone, please call CMC at 415.252.1122.


Mail a donation check to:

California Music Center
150 Sutter St #262
San Francisco, CA 94104

Thank you for supporting California Music Center, producer of the Klein String Competition.